
Node Runner software implements GoraNetwork network node. It performs the following key tasks:

  • Monitoring of Algorand blockchain for new oracle requests

  • Fulfilling of oracle requests by querying data sources and aggregating results

  • Verification of results using Algorand-type consensus with other nodes

  • Submission of verified results for certification to GoraNetwork smart contracts

  • Claiming rewards due to the node operator

Node Runner is distributed as a Linux-based Docker image. It is designed to run in AWS cloud or on a docker-enabled customer host. To deploy and manage a Node Runner instance, operators are expected to use GoraNetwork CLI tool - a self-contained command-line executable distributed separately from the Node Runner.

Node Runner requires a live Algorand node to interact with the blockchain. A GoraNetwork node operator must have access to a publically available Algorand node or run one of their own.

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