Blockchain Feeds
A secure way to get balances (network or non-network tokens) and list of transactions by blockchain.
API Call
Base Url:
Get Account Balance: GET /api/v1/account-balance
Name | Type | Description | |
blockchain | string | (required) The blockchain to get address balance for. | ethereum-mainnet |
address | string | (required) Blockchain address to get account balance for. | 0x06012c8cf97bead5deae237070f9587f8e7a266d |
key | string | (required) Key provided by GoraNetwork. When using node runner set the key as ##signKey | ##signKey |
Example Call
Example Response (JSON)
Results Schema
Name | Type | Description |
address | string | The blockchain to get address balance for. |
blockNumber | string | The blockchain block number |
timestamp | string | The blockchain address balance result timestamp |
balance | string | The blockchain address balance amount |
Base Url:
Get Token Transfers: GET /api/v1/token-transfers
Name | Type | Description | Example |
blockchain | string | (required) The blockchain to get address balance for. | ethereum-mainnet |
hash | string | (required) Filter by token transfers for this transaction. | 0x31c27c9b37e17056e67bb0948abf9b1676c91d38e40131a286c28a6c6ddaf90a |
key | string | (required) Key provided by GoraNetwork. When using node runner set the key as ##signKey | ##signKey |
Example Call
Example Response (JSON)
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
amount | string | The amount transferred in the smallest unit of the blockchain. For instance, wei with Ethereum. Important note: If the token type is ERC721, the amount value represents the token id |
from | string | The address hash of the sender. |
logIndex | string | The index of the log in the transaction. |
to | string | The address hash of the recipient. |
tokenAddress | string | The address of the token contract. |
decimals | string | The number of significant digits, per smart contract definition. |
name | string | The token name. |
symbol | string | The token symbol. |
isERCX | string |
isERC20 | string |
isERC721 | string |
isERC777 | string |
isERC884 | string |
isERC998 | string |
isERC1155 | string |
Base Url:
Get Blockchain Transaction: GET /api/v1/transaction
Name | Type | Description | Example |
blockchain | string | (required) The blockchain to get address balance for. | ethereum-mainnet |
hash | string | (required) Filter by token transfers for this transaction. | 0x133f293b44b2eb632a26e8f7c972ad0f6152ca5c78377102e6804c46ebde6c83 |
key | string | (required) Key provided by GoraNetwork. When using node runner set the key as ##signKey | ##signKey |
Example Call
Example Response (JSON)
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
blockNumber | string | The number of the block containing this token transfer. |
blockHash | string | The header hash of the block containing this token transfer. |
confirmations | string | The total number of confirmations. |
contractAddress | string | The token contract address |
cumulativeGasUsed | string | The total gas used up to and including the transaction. |
fee | string | The transaction fee. |
from | Object | Contains the details about the sending address. i.e. the address of the account. |
gasLimit | string | The gas limit of the transaction. |
gasPrice | string | The gas price at the time of the transaction. |
gasUsed | string | Total gas used by the transaction. |
hash | string | The transaction hash. |
index | number | The index of the transaction within the block. |
input | string | The input data to the function. |
logsBloom | string | The Bloom filter composed from indexable information (logger address and log topics) contained in each log entry from the receipt of each transaction in the transactions list. |
maxFeePerGas | number | Maximum amount that can be paid to validate and include this transaction in the blockchain. |
maxPriorityFeePerGas | number | Fees which go to the miner, also known as tips or inclusion fees. |
nonce | string | The nonce of the transaction. |
publicKey | string | The public key hash. |
r | string | ECDSA digital signature r (32 bytes) generated by private key and used to validate the sender of the transaction. |
raw | string | The signed transaction in Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoded form. |
root | string | The transaction root hash. |
s | string | ECDSA digital signature s (32 bytes) generated by private key and used to validate the sender of the transaction. |
status | string | The status of the transaction.
timestamp | string | The time of when the transaction was confirmed. |
to | Object | Contains |
type | string | The transaction type:
v | string | Used by ECDSA to recover correct public key when validating signature of transactions. Combination of recovery id and chain id. |
value | string | The scalar value equal to the number of units (in Ethereum Wei) to be transferred to the message call’s recipient or, in the case of contract creation, as an endowment to the newly created contract. See full value conversion reference here. |
statusResult | Object | Contains details about the transaction status. |
Last updated